Principal Investigator
MSc Student
MSc Student
PhD Student
MSc Student
Consumers of Carrion
We are the VanLaerhoven lab pets, currently we are among two populations of roughly 10,000 Dermestid beetles. We love to feed on deer, fish, liver and other critters while leaving behind priceless bones. Come check us out!
Consumer of Problem-some Pests
Order: Hemiptera, Family: Nabidae. Known for being a common generalist predator within North America. Sourced within the southwestern regions Ontario. Currently reared at the Agriculture and Agrifoods Canada Research Station. With it's long proboscis it can consume a variety of prey including aphids, whitefly, thrips, leaf miners and many more. Making them an ideal study species for a potential biological control.
Consumers of Carrion
Blow flies are a primary consumer of carrion resources. They are utilized in various projects throughout our lab. Currently we rear three species of Calliphoidae including : Phormia regina, Lucilia sericata, and Calliphora vicina.